Square Dance

 While shopping in the produce section one day some beautiful apples called to me from a pile of waxed and polished edible pomes: “Honeycrisp”... the name alone made my mouth water! Their vibrant colors were irresistible.   At home, in my kitchen’s fruit dish, the apples were sadly forgotten. With each passing day, they faded a little more. I had planned to have them just as they were. As they lost their shine, they morphed into a never-baked apple pie. Finally, the time came to deposit the former beauties into a trash container. But before regret could completely settle in, I played my last card: A short video of these apples shot on my checkered patio table gave me inspiration for this painting, which I call “Square Dance.” The uneaten fruit is long gone, but the picture lives on…

Agnes Otworowski